Studying the causes of bone loss around dental implants




Dental Implants, Bone Loss, Peri-Implantitis, Implant Failure, Microgap, Fixture


Background: Teeth are like a foundation for a house. Therefore, if these teeth are lost for any reason, it is like the house is destroyed by losing its foundations, the related bone also decays. So with this in mind, in order to prevent this bone loss, dental implants are implanted in place of lost natural teeth so that they can restore the function of the lost tooth and at the same time prevent bone loss; But various number of implants with various materials are produced by different companies; Therefore, from the point of view of the researchers, these various implants can undergo bone restoration in their four surroundings due to a series of reasons and factors, which should reduce the amount of bone restoration to zero; Therefore, in order to find the reasons for this bone loss in dental implants, a large number of researchers have conducted a large number of researches for this purpose, each of which revealed several reasons and factors, including the experience of the doctor himself, when implanting the implant, The type of implant, the type of implant implantation, the amount of existing jawbone, the patient's age, the patient's immune system, the reaction of the jawbone against the implant itself, the patient's health, such as smoking or not, and a series of different factors. Another is effective in the absence of jaw bone erosion for dental implants.

methods: This research was in the form of a Systemic review article, which was conducted using reliable websites such as Google Scholar, PubMed, International Journal of Implant Dentistry, and MDPI, which used words such as bone loss in dental implants, Osseointegration for dental implants. , bone quality for dental implants was searched. Articles that discussed the effective factors due to bone loss were included in the study.

Results: All the factors and reasons that lead to bone loss around dental implants are matter of several factors, which are related to the doctor, the patient, and the implant system and materials; But in this article, only three variables have been studied as factors of the article, which are: patient age (40-59), types of implants (bone level), cigarettes (tobacco).

Author Biographies

Hedayatullah Ehsan, Ghalib University (Kabul)

Medical Sciences Research Center, Ghalib University (Kabul), Kabul, Afghanistan.

Munir Ahmad Ibrahmkhil, Ghalib University (Kabul)

Medical Sciences Research Center, Ghalib University (Kabul), Kabul, Afghanistan.

Abdul Wakil Ramakee, Ghalib University (Kabul)

Medical Sciences Research Center, Ghalib University (Kabul), Kabul, Afghanistan.


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How to Cite

Ehsan H, Ibrahmkhil MA, Ramakee AW. Studying the causes of bone loss around dental implants. مجلۀ علوم طبی غالب [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 29 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];1(1):33-56. Available from: