Prevalence of Dentigerous Cyst among patients of Stomatology National Curative Hospital in Kabul-Afghanistan




Cyst, Dentigerous, Follicular, Impaction


Background: The majority of cyst types in erupted and semi-erupted teeth are follicular cysts (also known as dentigerous cysts). Which is a type of developmental cyst derived from the lining of the developing tooth. The destructive nature of dentigerous cysts on surrounding bony and dental structures is significant. In a small number of cases, it leads to malignancy. This study was conducted at Stomatology National Curative Hospital during year 2018.

Methodology: Our study employs a descriptive methodology, utilizing a case-series approach. Over the course of a year, a significant number of patients at the stomatology hospital were treated by clinical diagnosis of dentigerous cysts in the oral and maxillofacial surgery ward. Our study population, only includes those patients who were referred for surgical treatment due to dentigerous cysts.

Results: In our findings, dentigerous cysts were more prevalent in males (59.7%) than females (40.3%). The incidence of dentigerous cysts is prominent in the 2nd and 3rd decades of life. The most common location for the occurrence of dentigerous cysts was the mandible. Dentigerous cysts were less common in the maxilla (28.4%), than the mandible (71.6%). Almost half of the 67 cases, treated at the Stomatology National Curative hospital (49.3%), were resident of Kabul province.

Conclusion: The most common treatment method for dentigerous cysts is Enucealation (88.1%). In only 11.9% of cases, Marsupialization of Dentigerous cyst is chosen.

Author Biographies

Abdul Wakil Ramakee, Clinical Stomatology Department, Medical Sciences Research Center, Ghalib University (Kabul), Kabul, Afghanistan

Clinical Stomatology Department, Medical Sciences Research Center, Ghalib University (Kabul), Kabul, Afghanistan

Munir Ahmad Ibrahimkhil, Clinical Stomatology Department, Medical Sciences Research Center, Ghalib University (Kabul), Kabul, Afghanistan.

Clinical Stomatology Department, Medical Sciences Research Center, Ghalib University (Kabul), Kabul, Afghanistan.

Hedayatullah Ehsan, Clinical Stomatology Department, Medical Sciences Research Center, Ghalib University (Kabul), Kabul, Afghanistan.

Clinical Stomatology Department, Medical Sciences Research Center, Ghalib University (Kabul), Kabul, Afghanistan.

Ali Sina Karimi, Clinical Stomatology Department, Medical Sciences Research Center, Ghalib University (Kabul), Kabul, Afghanistan.

Clinical Stomatology Department, Medical Sciences Research Center, Ghalib University (Kabul), Kabul, Afghanistan.


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How to Cite

Ramakee AW, Ibrahimkhil MA, Ehsan H, Karimi AS. Prevalence of Dentigerous Cyst among patients of Stomatology National Curative Hospital in Kabul-Afghanistan. مجلۀ علوم طبی غالب [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];1(2):۶۳ - ۶۸. Available from: