main goal of the refereeing process of Ghalib scientific-research quarterly is to improve the quality of the articles that are published and printed in the journal. For this purpose, the main concern of the journal is to publish and print articles that are of high quality from a scientific point of view.


Type of Reviewing: two-way anonymous

The procedures for judging, accepting and publishing articles are as following:

1. Initial Review

Controlling the article in terms of compliance with the issues mentioned in the authors' guide and the format of the publication, if there is a problem in the files and the format of the publication is not regarded, the article will be returned to the author for the completion of  the issues;

If the file is complete, the article will be compared and sent to the editor to determine the level and degree of compatibility with the thematic axis of the publication:

_ If the similarity percentage of the article is positive according to the criteria of the publication and the opinion of the editor regarding the mentioned cases, the article will be sent to the chief editor to appoint a referee;

_ If their opinion is negative, the letter of rejection of the article will be sent by the editor to the author.


2. Sent for judgment

If the files are completed and the format of the publication is fully regarded, the article will be sent to one or two referees by the chief editor.


3. Receiving the Results of the Judgment

 After receiving the referee results, the article will be sent to the author in compliance with the following conditions:

  • If the result of two referees is positive, the possibility of editing will be created for the author to make the corrections desired by the referees.
  • If the result is a positive judgment and a negative judgment, with the decision of the editor, the possibility of editing is created for the author to make the corrections desired by the judges;
  • If the result of two the referees is negative, the letter of non-acceptance will be sent to the author by the chief editor.


4. Receive corrections and send the article to the final referee

_ If the files modified by the author are complete and the items mentioned in the editing letter are observed, the article will be sent to one of the previous referees to control the final corrections.

_ If the author's corrections are fully approved by the final reviewer, the article will be referred to the editor to issue a letter of acceptance;

_ If some corrections are not approved by the final referee, the article will be returned to the author. After the author's corrections, the article is sent to the final referee for control again. If the author's corrections are fully approved by the final referee, the article will be referred to the editor to issue a letter of acceptance.

5. Placement of accepted articles in the list of articles ready for publication after acceptance by the editor, all articles are placed in the list of articles ready for publication


6. Publishing Article

All articles, after layout and editing and before publication, are sent to the author, so that if there are any things that need to be controlled and changed, they can be done and finally, the author's approval is obtained for publication.


Note: It should be noted that all correspondence is done with the author and only the steps are briefly communicated to the other authors. The follow-up of all matters related to the stages and results of the arbitration, the time of editing, acceptance and Publishing of the article is done only by the author of the article.